Desi Industrial Psychologists

Career Alignment and Relaunch

Career success depends fundamentally on the degree of fit between the choice of vocation and the personal character of the individual. Misalignment in this area leads to internal disharmony and stress.

Performance and effectiveness will be affected by cognitive capabilities, character traits and the general attitude among other things. Scales are bound to tip more towards the negative, with targets either not met or poor quality (and/or inconsistent) outcomes delivered. On another extreme, behavioural telling signs of internal disharmony and unhappiness are observed in absenteeism, presenteeism, ill-health (real or faked), conflict, poor quality of relationships, performance inconsistency and misconduct. Establishing career equilibrium and balance could be the only way out of this impasse.

Benefits of career alignment include high motivation, energy and engagement as well as greater confidence and prospects of excellence in performance delivery. Reduced stress and improvement in general wellbeing are logical by-products of career alignment.

What You Learn

  • We induce thought and evaluate the perceived degree of correlation between personal wellbeing and current line of work, career, choice of study etc.
  • We assist you to reprogramme your career in a way that will enable you to establish greater alignment between the choice of vocation with who you are.

Perfect For

  • Seasoned professionals who are grossly disengaged and unhappy in their current job.
  • Those who are in a toxic workplace, feeling disengaged and alienated from all the action.
  • Those who have recently lost their job and need perspective on their next career chapter.
  • Newly qualified professionals who are asking ‘what-now??’ following the big-bang of a graduation milestone.
  • Those that are still unsure of the next career step or how and where to use their certificate.
  • Students who struggle to identify a chosen course of study and are prolonging the inevitable by staying in academia collecting postgraduate certificates, with fears of launching their career in the real world.
  • Students who have been changing courses of study on a trial-and-error mode, failing to find excitement in chosen vocations.
  • High school pupils that are either struggling to decide on the choice of career or one who just has no plans beyond grade 12.
  • Those who are skilled and jobless.
  • Those who are unskilled and jobless.
Babalwa Desi

Contact Me To Book This Coaching Workshop

Pre-work: Psychometric Assessment of personality puzzle

Take-away: Feedback report confirming your strengths, leverage attributes, developmental areas and career options aligned to who you are.

Nature of Offer: Group Coaching

Medium of Delivery: Online

Duration: 3 Hours (1 Session)

Dates: 21 and 28 May 2021 (2 Optional dates)

Cost: R2 530 (incl. VAT)

Please Indicate the Date You Wish to Take This Course
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